
Crypto law firm, ex-founder Cyrulnik settle lawsuit before trial

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By David Thomas

June 27 (Reuters) -A law firm known for representing cryptocurrency investors in litigation and one of its former founding partners said Thursday that they were ending a bitter legal battle involving allegations of stolen crypto tokens and bullying less than two weeks before trial in the case.

In a joint stipulation filed in Manhattan federal court Thursday afternoon, Freedman Normand Friedland LLP -- formerly known as Roche Cyrulnik Freedman -- and its ex-partner Jason Cyrulnik said they were dismissing all claims against each other.

Randy Mastro, who represented the Freedman firm, said in a statement that the parties reached a confidential settlement.

"The Freedman team is happy to put this matter behind them," said Mastro, a partner at King & Spalding.

Cyrulnik's lawyers at Kasowitz Benson Torres did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Cyrulnik is now partner and chairman of his own firm, Cyrulnik Fattaruso LLP.

The case was set to go to trial July 8, according to court records.

The firm sued Cyrulnik in February 2021, seeking a court order that Cyrulnik was properly voted out of its partnership. The lawsuit alleged that Cyrulnik was a toxic presence and turned the firm into "a war zone."

Cyrulnik countered that he was the victim of a scheme by other partners at the firm to strip him of his rights to about $60 million in crypto tokens a firm client, Ava Labs, had distributed to the firm.

The firm and Cyrulnik denied each other's claims. The stipulation filed Thursday said all claims and counterclaims in the case will be dismissed with prejudice.

Roche Cyrulnik Freedman was founded in 2019 by a group of Boies Schiller Flexner lawyers. The firm adopted its present name in 2022 after name partner Kyle Roche resigned.

The case is Freedman Normand Friedland LLP v. Jason Cyrulnik, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 1:21-cv-01746

For Freedman Norman Friedland LLP and its partners: Randy Mastro and Lauren Myers, of King & Spalding

For Jason Cyrulnik: Marc Kasowitz and Kevin Cyrulnik, of Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP

Reporting by David Thomas


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